Tuesday, July 1, 2008

What a Trip!

I just spent a few days in Oregon with family.

The plan? Celebrate Grandma Myrna's 80th Birthday with a big bash at her church.

The results? Grandma Myrna experienced a health problem - the party was cancelled!

Oh, well. At least I got to spend some fun time with my cousins and Aunt and Uncle. Grandma Myrna is all better, by the way!

I forgot to take pictures. Oops. Here is a pic of me in the airport shuttle. I have a new haircut!

Oh, and a Mommy and Baby Deer hung out in my Aunt's front yard. So cute!


Heidi said...

What a cool pic! I love the new hair by the way! So cute!

BruceandBarbara said...

Yay you are blogging again! It was good to see you! Thanks for helping to clean my closets. Congrats on your new job. I know it is going to be great for you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for traveling with me Emily. Mom