Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Not-so-terrible Two's

On July 2 Aaron and I celebrated our two years of bliss.
First date highlights:
- Aaron brought me my favorite flower, hydrangea
- Going to the Santa Barbara zoo
- Dining on the pier
- "Have we already run out of things to talk about?" was asked during a quiet, awkward moment over dinner. We hadn't. And we still haven't.
- An orchid adorned my dinner plate. As we walked on the pier, I tucked it behind my ear, but was having problems keeping it in there. I asked Aaron to help put the flower in my ear. It didn't occur to Aaron until the next day that I was flirting.
- Going back to my house and looking up Guy Fawkes Day on Wikipedia. And no, that's not a euphemism.

We celebrated our anniversary with a lovely dinner at Red Fish and two balcony seats at Wicked (LOVED it! Brava!). 'Twas a wonderful evening with my wonderful guy.


Heidi said...

Congrats!! That's awesome! Loved the first date memories, you guys are so cute! Can't wait to see you both next weekend!! Love you!

Anonymous said...

2 years! wow!
You two were made for each other.
Love, Mom

BruceandBarbara said...

Such a beautiful picture of you Emily(and Aaron too!). Congratulations on 2 years!