Friday, September 18, 2009

Is it normal . . .

. . . to carry around a frozen meal in your purse? Ah, life on a diet. By the way, this Lean Cuisine - Chinese Chicken with Rice - was AWFUL. I ate in Amy's office while I was giving presentations at her school.


Anonymous said...

That's so funny, em...I had a lean cuisine in my purse last week! Unlike yours, mine was good...swedish meatballs.

Kami said...

I carry them in my purse all the time too! The Chinese chicken one IS gross!!

BruceandBarbara said...

Thanks for the heads up on the Chinese chicken!

Heidi said...

I have never had a frozen lunch in my purse but, I have found things like jump ropes, crayons, fruit snacks... Hahahaha, you know your a teacher when... : )