Monday, June 8, 2009

Past, Present, Future

20 years ago

1. I was five, about to turn six.
2. I think I took dance classes that year and loved dancing!
3. I went to Shell Beach elementary.

10 years ago

1. I was learning how to drive - the first time my mom took me to a parking lot to drive I couldn't stop giggling.
2. My best friend was Heidi (she could already drive) and we had a lot of fun sleepovers.
3. I failed geometry.

5 years ago

1. It was the summer before my senior year of college. I had to take a few community college classes.
2. I got my wisdom teeth removed.
3. Did I work? I don't really remember!

3 years ago

1. I moved to Ventura for a job, and had an apartment all to myself for the first time.
2. I quit that job after six weeks and instead decided to work at a wine bar.
3. I met Aaron!!!!

1 year ago

1. I was living with my parents, trying to decide what to do next with my life.
2. I interviewed with the Art Institutes - and got the job!
3. I was waiting for Aaron to propose . . . impatiently, I might add. He did a few months later.

This year so far...

1. I got married!
2. We found a church we LOVE and made new friends. It's nice to have "our friends" instead of "his friends/her friends."
3. I am about to enjoy a few months off of work! Woo-hoo!


1. Went to church.
2. We went to the YMCA to workout for the first time. So excited to be members there!
3. Aaron grilled steak for dinner and I made brussel sprouts with bacon and mushrooms and baked sweet potato fries for dinner. Oh, and I made an apple berry crostata for dessert that was HEAVENLY! (if I do say so myself)

1. I don't have to work.
2. I DO need to clean the house.
3. I have a meeting at church for the Social Concerns Committee tonight. We are the people that work on social issues - local poverty, etc. Right now we are working with an organization that houses homeless families in churches for four weeks a year. We are soooo excited to be involved in this and I am looking forward to seeing God's building used as home for those who need it.

1.Will do the housework that I probably won't do today.
2. Have paperwork I need to work on.
3. Going to a yoga class at the YMCA.

Next Year
1. Hopefully we will own a home - even if it is a tiny condo. Possible we will buy before Dec 1 so we can get the tax benefits.
2. I want a dog!
3. We will take a great trip - maybe Italy or Argentina?


BruceandBarbara said...

I loved this and I failed geometry too!

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha!..... This made me laugh, I really love this, Thats wonderful word.

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