We spent two weeks watching a documentary and discussing it. The movie is "Lord Save us from Your Followers." It is a hard-to-watch, cringe-inducing look at how crappy Christians can be to one another and everyone else living in this world that God so loved that He gave His one and only son, that . . . well, you know how it goes.
Take a look at the trailer if you want a taste: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKwYH1mLNvE
I agree. Many "so-called" Christians take for granted their gift of salvation and forget why they are here on earth and that the world is watching them and how (if at all) they live "like Jesus". I need a soapbox!
I'm glad to hear you are getting together with other believers!!
I am also very happy we've found this place... It is a wonderful blessing! :o)
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